Incident : Vessel was at anchorage, a diving boat was tied up aft of the vessel for some work. A pilot ladder was rigged to let people climb down to the diving boat. While a person was climbing down, the ladder gave way and suffered total rope failure at 6 different points within the top 4 to 5 meters. The person fell and landed on the work deck of the diving boat approximately 10 metres down from the ship’s poop deck.

Findings: The rope at the top of the ladder was hard, discolored and had disintegrated as it twisted against the lay. The poor condition of the upper part of the rope was due to the inappropriate way it had been stored and chemicals in close proximity to each other.
Care of Natural Fibre Ropes
- Ropes should be stored away from heat and sunlight, if possible, in a separate compartment which is dry and well ventilated, away from containers of chemicals, detergents, rust removers, paint strippers and other substances capable of damaging them.
- Rope should be inspected thoroughly before use for signs of deterioration, undue wear or damage.
Remember to look after your ropes ” life may depend upon them”
Engagement within the onboard team
· Raise awareness among the vessel staff with respect to care and maintenance of the natural fibre ropes and ladders made of them.
- Carry out checks on the rope ladders as mentioned above and confirm condition of the rope ladders to your respective fleet cell.
- Follow best practices on stowage and securing of the ladders and ensure there is no direct contact with the deck, chemicals, water.
- Stow the ropes and ladders if practicable in cool, dry location and away from chemical fumes.
- The rope ladders which are kept outside on pallets or on winches must be suitably covered with fire retardant canvas.
- Replacement criteria is strictly complied with.
- In case the natural fibre rope and ladder is to be replaced, ensure new ladder had type approval certificate attached.
- The discarded ladder must be clearly identified and marked or shall be dismantled so that it is not used even accidently.
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