IMO as released recommended framework of protocols for ensuring safe ship crew changes and travel during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
G20 Governments, at their recent emergency meetings, have committed to minimizing disruptions to trade and global supply chains, and have identified the need to prioritize keeping air and sea logistics networks open and functioning efficiently.
2 Shipping companies and airlines are cooperating to meet this priority by ensuring that reliable operations are able to continue throughout the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. However, these networks will come to a halt if replacement ship crews are unavailable for duty due to the lack of available flights and other restrictions affecting the travel and movement of ship crews. This critical issue is increasingly taking on a humanitarian dimension for those crews which have already spent many months at sea and which urgently need to be repatriated to their home countries and replaced. Apart from the need for shipping companies to comply with international regulations and contractual obligations, service periods on board ships cannot be extended indefinitely due to the dangerous impacts this has for the well-being of ship crew and, most importantly, safe ship operations. In view of the importance of international maritime transport to the resilience of the global economy at this critical time, Governments are strongly encouraged to take urgent action to address this issue.
Since the delay continues and seafarers still struggling to be repatriated it is a concern of mental stress and wellbeing of seafarers and families back home. The cruise companies who are ready to charter flights need landing permission, specially the Indian seafarers are badly affected due to this crisis Covid-19# and the extension of lock down continues in India. Timely intervention is the need of the hour.
Unfortunately the IMO the MLC the ITF have fail to protect the seafarers In this crucial period.
They seafarers can’t sign off and replaced at the most countries and instead of allow crew changes at the ports, all the ports force the crew to face the risk by expose them with so many shore representatives ( terminal’s ,authorities inspectors etc)
All the organizations that pretend that they are care for the seafarers they have fail.
They force the vessels under so many rules that they make their daily works looks like nightmare always supporting for seaferer’s safety and in real life the have fail in all ways to protect them.