Container vessel “Shahraz” and General Cargo vessel “Samudra Sakti II” has grounded off Batu Berhanti in the Singapore start earlier today.
Container ship SHAHRAZ and bulk carrier SAMUDRA SAKTI I are reported to run aground in Singapore Strait south of St John Island at around 1900 UTC May 10, close to each other, while proceeding in the same direction, probably trying to avoid collision.
As of 0700 UTC May 11, both ships remain in the same positions, coordinates don’t change. SHAHRAZ is en route from Port Klang to Yangshan China, SAMUDRA SAKTI I is en route from Belawan to Bayah, southwest Java.
As per reports there was a collision between two vessels, container ship sustained hull breach and carcks can be seen in the video atached
SHAHRAZ hull integrity may be compromised.
Container ship SHAHRAZ, IMO 9349576, dwt 86018, capacity 6572 TEU, built 2008, flag Iran, manager RAHBARAN OMID DARYA SHIP MGMT, Tehran.
Bulk carrier SAMUDRA SAKTI I, IMO 9238258, dwt 23573, built 2001, flag Indonesia, manager LINTAS MARITIM INDONESIA PT.
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